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What is the ticker symbol for Five9 and where is the company listed?

Five9 is listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market under the ticker symbol FIVN.

Where is Five9 headquartered?

Bishop Ranch 8
4000 Executive Parkway, Suite 400
San Ramon, CA 94583

When was Five9 incorporated?

Five 9 was incorporated in Delaware in 2001.

What was the date of Five9's initial public offering (IPO) and at what price?

April 4, 2014 was the first date of public trading.

Who were the underwriters of Five9's IPO?

The offering was underwritten by J.P. Morgan, Barclays, BofA Merrill Lynch, Pacific Crest, Canaccord Genuity, and Needham & Company.

Who is the contact person for Investor Relations at Five9?

Investor Relations: 
ir@five9.com or

Lauren Sloane
The Blueshirt Group

Who should I contact regarding my stock certificate(s)?

The transfer agent and registrar for our common stock is American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC.

Contact info:
American Stock Transfer & Trust Company
6201 15th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11219
Phone: 800-937-5449
Email: info@amstock.com

Who are Five9's independent auditors?

The company's external auditors are KPMG LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm.

When does Five9's fiscal year end?

Five9's fiscal year ends December 31.

When are Five9's financial results announced?

If a date for the quarterly financial results has been established, it will be listed on the home page of the investor relations section of the website. If no date is listed, then the date has not yet been established.

How do I get added to Five9's email distribution list?

Please go to the email alerts section of our website.

Where can I find SEC filings and other financial materials on Five9, such as your Form 10-K?

You can visit the SEC filings section of the IR website, or download releases and tables from the financial releases section.